Re: Internet Worm

Joe Konczal (
Mon, 17 Oct 1994 15:25:35 -0400

>>>>> "James" == James Seng <> writes:

    James> Anyway, what i did on my system is put a .rhosts file in
    James> every user directory. chmod 000 .rhosts and chown root
    James> .rhosts. Not all user needs .rhosts file. Those who wants
    James> to use them email me and i will chown back to them. (any
    James> problem with that? :-)

The problem is, if users have write permission on their home
directories, then they can delete the root-owned .rhosts files and
create their own.

Joe Konczal  <>		
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Tech. A62
Gaithersburg, MD  20899
(301) 975-3285